Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Article about FUTURE

Our Future:  Ideas, Thoughts, Perceptions and Realities

Article By: Saif Ali Rastgar                  Islamabad / 15th Sep 2010

1.    When thinking about our future, we have two options. One is to be anxious about it and the other is to have faith about it.

If we are anxious about our future, we attract all the negative vibes. Remember the Law of Attraction that we tend to attract what we actively think about. So when we are afraid of the bad things to happen and we think about them all the time, we are destined to attract them in our lives!

If we have faith, we attract all the goodness of the world towards us. Hoping for the best, we stay in a positive state of mind and feel lucky. We attract Allah's Barkat and He helps us through his divine methods: be it good timing, good health, good relationships, supporting friends, meeting the right people or even our ability to bounce back if we fail.

2.    Future just does not happen on a certain day. It unfolds one day at a time. It happens over the long-term. So what really matters is TODAY!  We make or break our future every single day. If we are focused on a daily basis and are able to take small positive steps daily towards a certain future then we will get there one day.

3.   No one is certain of how many days he or she will live in future. It could be as little as a few minutes, a few days, months or many years. Our lives are even more uncertain than a cup of tea which we are know for sure will remain hot for 15 minutes. We however, could get "cold" before that. We don't know.

4.    So how is it that we tend to think so much about a future that is so uncertain, even more uncertain than a cup of tea? This is a paradox.

5.     No matter how long we live, our lives still pass as a flash. The speed is so fast that we feel almost left behind! Just look back and your life will seem so short.

6.     I guess what is important is to think positively about our future, pray and dream about the nice things that we want to create or happen, but remain focused on our present.